So I grabbed a bus up to O'Connell & met her at the Spire (the pointless Stiletto in the Ghetto, the Stiffy by the Liffey) & there was much rejoicing! Indeed. We went for fish & chips & talked at length about Derry & Belfast & Scotland & theater & things on this side of the Atlantic. Since the weather was all over rain and wind and misery, it became a museum day.
I dragged her to the Bog Bodies exhibit at the National Museum, & we decided we ought to start a business where we make fake things (like the replica gold ingots in the hoards, or the fake mini Hill of Tara in the back room). Roz wanted to start a band called zoomorphic pennanular brooch, & I wish I could remember the correct spelling of the gaelic for "zoomorphic," because that's the name I want (it was something like "zoomorfeach" but I can't find it anywhere). We tried to go to the National Library but it was closed, so instead we found the National Gallery. Also there was Grafton street and the Arcade and Turkish delight (yum). We hung out at Cozy's & watched some Father Ted, which is a BBC sitcom about priests on a fictional island off the West Coast of Ireland, & it is hilarious. We got dinner. Then a whole passel of us (Roz, me, Kate, Cozy, Lee, Meghan, Sarah, Micah, Bri, Pete) went to Corrigan's, a "good old man pub" near Bri & Nora's. It was good drinks (cider & black) & good conversations. Mostly I really wish I could have recorded the whole day so I could remember all the crazy stuff that was said. I expect it'll come back to me someday. After the others left, Roz & I went to Devitt's for some sessions. It was fairly empty, but it began to fill up as the musicians played. They were fantastic. I really hope I can find some good sessions when I get back to Seattle, because I will miss this like mad--tapping feet and hands to lively music in a pub. We nearly left at about 11:30 but then the guitar man introduced the next song & we promptly turned around & came back for it, because it was Follow me up to Carlow. We really did leave after that, crashed when we got back to the apartment, & then woke up early to make sure Roz got to the airport in time. It was short but a fabulous good time.
Now I am on the couch, still in pajamas, getting ready to write papers (yuck) and listening to NPR (yay). I need to get papers done today... *sigh*
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